The band ended in Stream or buy on: By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Carnival of Souls Combustible Edison. Cry Me a River Combustible Edison. Liz Cox Community MusicWorks". Cudahy's brother Nick was a member of the Christmas lineup for the second album. combustible edison i swinger

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Said Trouser Press"As the band that poured the first shot in the Cocktail Revolution, this Boston-area combo brought lounge music into the '90s eison or, more accurately, transported tastemakers back to the suburbia of the '50s — with strikingly authentic interpretations of some of the most unauthentic sounds known to mankind".

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combustible edison i swinger

Cry Me a River Combustible Edison. ProvidenceRhode Island. Connors joined the Toomey-produced tiki music ensemble Waitiki inand also formed his own combo Funk House. Jazz Latin New Age. Loungeexoticajazzswing.

Dixon released an instrumental solo album in titled Shady Planet. Introspection Late Night Partying. Views Read Edit View history.

I, Swinger

The band ended in The Millionaire's Holiday Combustible Edison. But then, nobody could have predicted the Martin Denny revival, either. Unlike other bands with a more ironic take on the lounge scene, Combustible Edison took the music seriously and strove to add to what its members saw as a canon of works by EsquivelHenry Mancini and Martin Denny.

Cudahy's brother Nick was a member of the Christmas lineup for singer second album.

Combustible Edison

Peter Dixon keyboards and Aaron Oppenheimer drums and percussion. Combustible Edison 's goofy and irreverent mix sswinger a lot more to the music of the s and early '60s than to new wave; they sound as if they've stumbled on a treasure trove of dime-store albums in their aunt's attic and can't quite get over the experience.

She is currently involved with Community MusicWorks, a community-based music education and performance organisation. Breakfast at Denny's Combustible Edison.

Streams Videos All Posts. Inthe band recorded combustibl soundtrack to the film Four Roomsproduced by Mark Mothersbaugh. This page was last edited on 16 Septemberat Liz Cox Community MusicWorks". Retrieved from " combustjble This article needs additional citations for verification. By the time of Combustible Edison's final album, The Impossible World[1] drummer Michael "Laughing Boy" Connors had replaced Oppenheimer, and they had incorporated more modern electronic elements.

I, Swinger - Combustible Edison | Songs, Reviews, Credits | AllMusic

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cry Me a River.

combustible edison i swinger

The group's second studio album, Edieon After Combustible Edison, Michael Cudahy helped build the internet radio station and music community site LuxuriaMusic, which launched in Connecticut natives Liz Cox drums, vocals and Michael Cudahy guitar, vocals formed indie rock band Christmas in Boston in Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip. Theme swinfer "The Tiki Wonder Hour". Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

Romantic Evening Sex All Themes. Archived from the original on


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